The Bible talks about two Adams: first Adam who disobeyed God and died spiritually. He raised a posterity of children like him: spiritually dead and alienated from God–the Source of life. All of us were born from first Adam; it is not so much the sins that we committed, but the fact that we were born with a sinful nature. But there is also the Last Adam who died, receiving the penalty for our sins. He went from death to life when God raised Him from the dead, and He became the federal head of a new species of people who died to self, and was raised into newness of life. Listen to to this uplifting teaching, and send the link to your unsaved friends and family!
If you lead a small group, or if you do some self study, consider our guide on Identity. As new creation beings we received a new identity in Christ. Who are you in Him? Free pdf without any obligation!
There is only one true gospel, not various versions of it. There is only one truth. The gospel is the only truth that sets...
When Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Jesus gave him a goal...